“Sometimes it will take months, even years, to work out new sculpture” Jean Hans Arp. This same goes for the frame. “Torso” eyewear frame has been the result of years of our Jean Hans Arp’s art fascination. The first fundamental draw to Arp was to his borderland no violent personality. A man of two nationalities, French and German. He found sanctuary in war free Switzerland and even managed to be neutral in his art and actions when founding deranged Dada movement in Zürich. His art is liquid and curved as his life.
Forms in nature are modifications of few basic forms: morphology philosophical doctrine presented by Wolfgang Goethe. One form or shape can be slowly transformed into another, suggesting other object. Transfiguration can alter plant into the torso.
The calyx, forcing its development, can became a corolla; and the corolla can undergo a regression in the direction of the calyx. Depending on circumstances, this same organ can develop into leaf, or torso-leaf, or into MASSADA frame. The reward of eternal life requires effort.