What is the connection between House of Habsburgs, Wes Anderson, Swarovski Crystals, Franz Joseph I, old mountain barns, seasoned wooden elements, modern Maria Theresa and hand crafted wooden suitcases? Just when Maria Theresa was born, small European spruce cone was dropped on the high slopes to start vegetation in the mountains in Austrian empire . Despite harsh mountain weather, tree has survived Maria's daughter Marie Antoinette who was less fortunate in 1793. The spruce felt at the tender age of 140 years from the axes of Franz Joseph I subjects. Soon after, Daniel Swarovski was polishing his first crystals in Austro Hungarian domain to decorate nobility necks and satisfying bourgeois new tastes. Mountain barn built from the spruce wood stockpiled hay for several winters to feed endless generations cows grazing at near by meadows during the summer time. Empire long gone, Crystals at their best, memories of the past portrayed in „Grand Budapest Hotel” by Wes Anderson, wooden barns became obsolete. Remainings were rescued by careful collectors and old wood elements thirsty aficionados. Long time after spruce clone fall onto the mountainous slope during Maria Theresa reign Massada uses wind bitten, rain washed, frost crafted material and put new life into it. Pieces sculptured by great designer of all times called Time are carefully selected in Massada artisan workshop to make new home for Massada Eyewear Jewelry collection being presented to the public in wooden suitcases.