Coming to La Biennale di Venezia is like appearing hungry in Michelin stars restaurant serving most delicious and sophisticated meals First we looked into then menu and wanted to order everything on the list. That is the impulse of hungry when placing orders. Our plan for 48 hours was as ambitious as ambitions of the biggest gluttons in the world. We became sharks just chopping one art piece after another into our mind perceptions. For appetizer we choose the most heavy weights locations, Arsenal and La Jardin to start with 8 hours walk among country pavilions. The main course on the following day were independent exhibitions scattered throughout Venice.
Modern Art inspires. It is a soul of modern time. In Venice You may experience within minutes diverse emotions playing with Your perception and imaginations. It is endless immersing in the feast of overabundance joy. Tasting pure conceptual emotional delights and getting into analysis of political, social, cultural questions of the day. After two days we have “food” for thoughts to last for the next two years before we will visit La Biennale again