Choosing Jaguar XK 120 isn’t easy. Getting original one is even more difficult.
We are always thinking about the story and narrations for our photo shootings. It is never ending exercise. Inventing story and location which communicates the message. Filling the story;we need people, we need to dress them and bring other objects to achieve desired feelings.
For “Exceptional Destiny” esthetics has been inspired by Louis Bunuel film “The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie”. The aim was to play with Bleak Chic French concept. Based on literary research and exploration of French psyche set in the landscape of get away country retreat.
We wanted to have a car which was compatible with the vision. Our first choice was Citroen DS, limousine. However once we visited private collection of our friend who owns nearly 60 cars our perception of what to choose has widen dramatically with every second that we spent looking at all these beautiful restored or original cars.
Limousine idea has been changed to cabriolet ideology more kind of Tamara de Lempicka influence. Bugatti would be to bold move for the Bourgeoisie at its bohemian decent. British built Jaguar XK120 which at the time of production has beaten most of the world speed limits was irresistible. Participation in Le Mans 24 hours races and the fact that car has been owned one by Clark Gable was the final point when decision was made. The tough part was to persuade collector to lend us his jewel. After weeks of begging and asking, making promises and God knows what else we got it together with person taking care of the car at very moment of photo shooting.
By the end of the day what is more luxurious in French bohemian Bleak Chick than to look sad on the way to Your country estate hunting palace, driving British Jag XK120 and enjoying companionship of Your beautiful female friends.