1. Original Hieronymus Bosch painting is divided into triptych; Paradise, Sinful Life and Hell. Our interpretation refuses guilt and subsequently punishment. Everything is good in moderation. We choose to stay with central theme. Please find differences between original and our interpretations. We point out in few fragments variety of additions and changes. You may explore much more and find endless hidden meanings to play with.
2. Some hidden meanings made easy.
Blue - DISFRUTAS (enjoy), Pink - ESTAS (these)
Orange - FRUTAS (fruits), Green - DEL (of), Purple – BOSCO. The name Bosch in Spanish is ElBosco – Forrest. Therefore fruits painted by ElBosco are fruits of Forrest.
3. In modern times we indulge more fully in fruits. In El Bosco paintings fruits are the symbols of sexuality and people are enjoying it the full. Eating, dancing, observing tasting. Nothing has changed over centuries. We are “Strawberry Addicts”.
4. Idyllic country of eyewear manufacturing, based on alchemic search of philosophical stone.
5. Magic Tower. Colors of acetate world.
6. We prefer to march in happy infinitive procession of joy rather than circle endlessly. Sign of infinity is in the shape of eyewear frame.
7. You can see how Kim Kardashian could have looked back in 1500.
8. Laozi calligraphic wisdom, “Love is of all passions the strongest.”
9. Shellfish as symbol of sexual body parts. In Bosch couple is having a privacy moment in it, producing pearls out of the passion. In our case man looks straight into it trying to figure out what the sweetness of juices are all about.
10. Chalice flower turned into mutual personal interdependence derived from alchemic symbols. Rich fertilizer for beautiful flowers.
11. We knew from where Manet took his inspirations for “The Luncheon on the Grass”.
12. You need to be “focused” if You want to read “MASSADA Covert Action” comics
13. Almost like Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel “Andalusian Dog” opening doors of our subconscious. Fruits as symbols of Lust turned into shell which holds several holes for the keys to unlock what we have inside our minds. Different people can unlock different meanings.