MASSADA is ART eyewear brand. We created FRENCH CONNECTIONS - 26 paintings of French artists or those who lived in France in one powerful studious interconnected art piece. It is work of art, loaded with meanings and serious intellectual effort. The beauty of logic, the conflict and the story of two forces in French history until present day. The path royalism has faded away into the revolution and republican system. This history is not done yet. The struggle goes on. "Capital in XXI Century" by Thomas Piketty ideas live, will show what will be the results of cleaning your hands with Louis XIV coat now. This is not the end of history. We live in interesting times, except more to come. We take it consciously to evaluate, and try to connect past with the future. Why not combine Gabrielle d'Estrées: nipple-pinching her sister with Paul Gauguin's Fruit picking? And why not add to it casino chips and giving them away to The Potato Eaters painted by Vincent van Gogh? Spin the roulette wheel, and try to discover the meaning of each link in between and the story behind. What will happen next? „Society expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which individuals stand. Art is always and everywhere the secret confession, immortal movement of its time.” Karl Marx.